Sir Archibald Sinclair Plate

Bluebell's Funding for the Future:
'Keep Up The Pressure' Appeal

Below is the full announcement from Roger Kelly,
Bluebell Funding Director – 25th July 2013

Funding for the Future: "Keep Up The Pressure" Appeal

The opening of the extension to East Grinstead has, we are pleased to report, significantly increased our passenger numbers.

The success of the extension has allowed us the opportunity to commit additional resources towards the maintenance of infrastructure, locos, and rolling stock previously deferred due to tight budgets during the Recession. Projects have been approved to prevent the icing up of the tunnel in winter and for a canopy on the platform at East Grinstead. Work on these projects is either under way or will commence shortly.

The additional passenger numbers require us to run longer trains and increase the use of larger locos. To accelerate our loco maintenance and overhaul programme, we have used the additional income from extra passengers exceptionally to send the boiler of locomotive No. 73082 Camelot to an outside boiler works for its 10-year overhaul. But we want to do more than this. We wish to send the boilers for at least two more locomotives to outside works. These boilers then will be available to go back into their locos much sooner than planned.

Thus we are launching a "Keep Up The Pressure" (KUTP) Appeal to create a fund with a target of £400,000. If successful this fund will be used to send at least two more boilers away for overhaul. It will also finance the many associated costs, in addition to boiler work, required to bring their locos back into steam.

Priority will be given to the boiler for No. 34059 Sir Archibald Sinclair. A substantial sum was raised in 2012 for this loco, which was sufficient for an in-house overhaul, but to send it away will require additional funds. A booking is being sought for the end of September, which means we must raise a substantial amount to see the boiler back at the end of 2014 or early 2015.

Simultaneously, we plan to send away the boiler for No. 65. And if this appeal is really successful, we might even consider sending away a third boiler. This plan will depend on the generosity of our supporters and the availability of space in outside boiler works.

We are very selective as to where we send a boiler in order to ensure the work carried out will give us one that will not need any remedial work for a significant amount of time. However, we are not stopping boiler work in-house; in fact, we are taking steps to ensure the skills are there for the future. We have one apprentice coming to the end of his training and another started in February, and we are actively seeking funds to pay for additional trainees and instructors.

In addition to the day-to-day work required to keep our existing fleet running, our Loco Works will be very busy to ensure that, on return, the overhauled boilers will be fitted to the frames and the locos prepared for duty without delay.

All donations to the KUTP Appeal will be used exclusively – and flexibly – for steam loco overhauls. In the past various appeals have resulted in funds being raised for specific locos, although often not sufficient to carry out all necessary work. Whilst such restricted funds will continue to exist – and while you may have a favourite loco – you are invited to contribute to the KUTP Appeal in order to focus the effort on current priorities.

If you are able to contribute, we will be pleased to receive your donation online at (Please note that payment to the work done outside is monthly – as and when overhaul progress is made – so while a donation commitment is welcome, standing orders are most welcome!)

Because JustGiving deducts a 4% administration charge, a cheque is preferred. To do this, please print out a Gift Aid form found here and send it with a cheque to me via Bluebell Railway, KUTP Appeal, Sheffield Park Station, East Sussex, TH22 3QL.

Thank you in advance for any support you can give. You can be sure it will be greatly appreciated and used to Keep the Steam Alive!

Roger Kelly, Bluebell Funding Director.