17th November 2023
Down the line with '59
No. 34059 Sir Archibald Sinclair has successfully undertaken a fully laden trial. Most of the problems encountered have been corrected and it sounds as if the original valve settings, which were retained, are still OK.
34059 in light steam in Sheffield Park yard with the new inner firebox in cream paint for 21C123 Blackmoor Vale in the background. |
Taking water at Sheffield Park. |
Entering Horsted Keynes Station on another test run, ready to exchange tokens. |
Waiting to leave Horsted Keynes. 21C123 Blackmoor Vale lit by the Autumn sunshine. |
34059 being checked over at East Grinstead. |
20th October 2023
No. 21C123 Blackmoor Vale
The new inner firebox for No. 21C123 Blackmoor Vale is being protected by a coat of red oxide primmer at South Devon Railway (Engineering).
The inner firebox before the painting. |
12th October 2023
No. 34059 Sir Archibald Sinclair
Wednesday 11th October saw the first loaded test run to East Grinstead of No. 34059 Sir Archibald Sinclair, which now has the smoke deflectors and nameplate brackets attached.
With the arrival of the two guest Bulleids, No. 21C127 (34027) Taw Valley and No. 34070 Manston, for the Giants of Steam event this weekend the opportunity was taken to take pictures of their respective footplates to show the slight differences between the rebuilt 'editions' plus an original.
Also below are a couple of pictures showing the difference between the Davies & Metcalfe injectors fitted to 34059 and the South African injectors of 34027.
The arrival of the token for the loaded test run to East Grinstead. |
Arrival at East Grinstead. |
Sheffield Park yard with No. 34070, No. 34059 & No. 21C127 (34027), plus the No. 80151 |
34059's Davies & Metcalfe injectors. |
34027's South African injectors. |
6th October 2023
No. 34059 Sir Archibald Sinclair
On Wednesday 4th October 34059 made a trial trip to East Grinstead and back.
Getting ready for the trip to East Grinstead. |
Approaching Horsted Keynes.
The lack of glass in the windows makes photography a lot easier! |
Alongside a rather unkempt 21C123 Blackmoor Vale at Horsted Keynes. |
Standing at Kingscote with 73082 Camelot on the service train. |
34059 entering the station at East Grinstead for the first time ever! |
2nd October 2023
No. 34059 Sir Archibald Sinclair
On Wednesday 27th September 34059 moved under it's own power for the first time since 2011.
There are many more items to sort out but it was good to see positive progress after all this time and effort!
The drain cocks being opened. |
The two pictures above show 34059 moving in the yard. |
27th September 2023
No. 34059 Sir Archibald Sinclair
On Monday 25th September the boiler pressure was brought up to the mark with the safety valves lifting. The boiler inspector has 'passed the boiler' as suitable or use.
Previously the engine had be brought into the yard and lit up. A number of snags were noted, most of which have now been rectified. Work also continued on the injector pipework and a warming fire was lit with the intention of increase pressure up to working pressure.
Above and below; the safety valves lifting. |
34059 Sir Archibald Sinclair in Sheffield Park yard before the steam test. |
A warming fire. |
Smoke just visible from the chimney. |
The control linkage for the water injectors are now in place. |
6th September 2023
No. 34059 Sir Archibald Sinclair
We are still adding the final touches!
The newly fitted smokebox door. |
30th August 2023
No. 34059 Sir Archibald Sinclair
A few more photos of the overhaul of 34059. New items on the footplate include the reverser and the injector linkage is now up and working. Also a stainless steel spark arrestor has been fitted.
The control linkage for the water injectors are now in place. |
21st August 2023
No. 34059 Sir Archibald Sinclair
Work on 34059 continues apace with the cab now back in place and bolted down after it had been removed to assist with the pipework runs. The ashpan and superheater elements have been fitted and much of the work in the smokebox is complete. The timber has been ordered for the footplate floor.
View of the drivers side – the reversing shaft has yet to be fitted. |
Smokebox with the crossbar fitted, which holds the door's dart. |
The smokebox interior with steam pipes and petticoat in place. |
5th July 2023
No. 34059 Sir Archibald Sinclair
The boiler and smokebox has been lifted onto the frames, minus the ashpan, with the deflectors and cab put into place to check everything fits. The boiler will be lifted off again to have the header and ashpan fitted plus the smokebox permanently attached.
The boiler being lowered into place. |
The smoke deflectors in place. |
34059 in Sheffield Park yard, with it's tender positioned behind, alongside 73082 Camelot. |
13th June 2023
No. 34059 Sir Archibald Sinclair
The smokebox has been united with the boiler which has now been painted in heat resistant aluminium paint.
The steam combine has been completely overhauled along with the associated Klinger valves and fittings - see photo below.
The steam combine undergoing a hydraulic test. The combine controls steam to the injectors, boiler pressure gauge and other cab fittings. |
This picture, which was taken in 2008, shows the steam combine in position. |
The steam supply to the combine is ultimately from the main shut off valve mounted on the front to the firebox – ringed in this photograph taken on 21st April 2009. |
1st June 2023
No. 34059 Sir Archibald Sinclair
Yesterday saw the successful out of frames steam test on the boiler of No 34059 in the presence of the boiler inspector, Peter, Hawkins.
The boiler will now be painted with aluminium heat resistant paint and then mounted on the chassis with the work then centred on the pipe work and other fitting out to complete the project.
11th May 2023
No. 34059 Sir Archibald Sinclair
Below are a few pictures showing progress with the boiler, grate and reverser. Cladding painting is progressing with the smoke deflectors now awaiting undercoating.
The two pictures above show the boiler on the 20 ton trolley wagon with a warming fire and caulking in progress. No steam test yet. |
Above are two pictures showing the the frame for the fire bars being assembled. The wooden patterns for the BR standard firebars are shown. |
The reverser being overhauled. |
24th February 2023
No. 34059 Sir Archibald Sinclair
A few more pictures showing further work on the ashpan and the boiler.
The tender is being worked on in the maintenance shed.
The back of the ashpan (upside down) . |
The ashpan with the brackets being fitted for the damper and hopper operating gear. |
The cab ashpan and chassis. |
The tender side rubbed down ready for the next top coat. |
The rear of the tender with the lamp conduit newly painted and wiring inserted. |
20th February 2023
No. 34059 Sir Archibald Sinclair
A few more photographs of progress with No 34059, The boiler has been moved to an upright position and has been trial fitted to the frames. It is now back on the floor with the retubing well under way.
Starting to retube the boiler. |
The blackhead with the regulator being trial fitted. |
25th January 2023
No. 34059 Sir Archibald Sinclair
Below are some more photos showing the progress on 34059. Most of the work on the chassis has been done with the overhaul of the remaining backhead fittings nearly completed.
The boiler has been rolled over to give access to the interior of he firebox and syphons to allow for more stays to be finished. The flue and smoke tubes are awaiting fitting with the ends of the tubes being cleaned prior to insertion into the tubeplates. The superheater elements are also on site.
There will be trial fitting of the boiler onto the frames so the nameplate holders have now been removed from the chassis to ease the trial fitting. The cab will also be removed.
Cleaned tube ends. |
Flexible stays fitted to the thermic syphons. |
The chassis awaiting the trial fitting of the boiler. The boiler clothing sheets are stacked on pallets resting on the smokebox saddle |
Rubbed down surface of the tender side and dome cover, plus two of the main steam pipes. |
A Race Against Time by Don Mackinnon and Alan Kreppel
This superb volume by Don Mackinnon (a sadly deceased member of the Bulleid Society) and Alan Kreppel is a heavy tome. The price is £60 but there are 440 pages of excellent photographs covering the last years of steam from 1962-1971.
Don worked on the first overhaul of 21C123 Blackmoor Vale.
Below is a photograph taken by Don Mackinnon of No. 34059 at Southampton Central in 1966. |
No. 34059 Sir Archibald Sinclair at Southampton Central, January 1966 by Don Mackinnon |
The Last Spark by Malcolm Root FGRA – LAST TWO LEFT!
Malcolm Root's latest painting has been produced as a low print run and Malcolm has offered a contribution from the prints sold towards the overhaul of No. 96 Normandy and No. 21C123 Blackmoor Vale – full details below.
On the 17th October 1950 Bulleid’s revolutionary “Leader” passes through Winchester on the up main line with a 430 ton test train to Guildford. Nearing the end of its very short life this was perhaps the last glimmer of hope that development of the locomotive would continue. Amongst a shower of sparks and on a heavy train Leader is going well on one of its more successful trips.
Print image size: 15” x 20” with a 2” border all round.
Price: £65 inc p&p.
If you want to purchase a copy please let